Enable the Macro for One Space

Enable the Macro for One Space

1. How to apply this Macro to a whole space?

To apply the Macro to all pages of a space, you just need to put Wiki Markup of this macro into header or footer of Space Tool.

Wiki Markup Usage

  • Header: Once you put the macro into the header, this macro will overwrite any existing macros on any pages in this space.

  • Footer: Once you put the macro into the footer, this macro will be overwritten by any existing macro on any pages in this space. You have to use this when you want to apply the macro to all pages of the space but except a few pages.

We suggest you put the wiki macro into footer if you want to insert macro in to some pages with different parameters. If you want make sure any page is using the same parameters then you should add the wiki macro into the header.

2. Example of Wiki Markup

  • Use default values for all parameters: {easy-heading-free}

  • Set values for a few parameters: {easy-heading-free:selector=h1,h2|navigationTitle=On This Page|expandOption=disaable-expand-collapse|titleExpandClickable=true}

3. Automatically generate Wiki Macro

From the version 3.1.0, we provide a new feature to generate the wiki macro automatically. Only admin can do this from Configuration.